1. Hindi mass tomm/today at 5:30pm.
  2. We are grateful to parishioners and others who volunteered at the Blood Donation Drive on Palm Sunday. A total of 66 bottles of blood was collected. Those whose Haemoglobin count is low kindly consult a doctor.
  3. Joint PPC/SCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 19th April at 7:45pm in the AV Hall. Attendance compulsory. Kindly collect the copy of minutes and agenda from the sacristy.
  4. This is the last week to drop in your Lenten Alms in the box placed on the altar.
  5. A Special Eucharist to promote Devotion to Infant Jesus will be celebrated by Jesuit priest, Fr Errol Fernandes, Chaplin of Nashik shrine, on Sunday, 23rd April. Eucharistic Adoration begins at 10am followed by mass at 10:30am. Kindly promote the devotion and invite your friends, relatives and ex parishioners. No evening mass next Sunday.
  6. Summer club for children from KG to Std Xth  is organized from 24th April to 5th May. Forms available in the church office. Last date to submit forms is Thursday, 20th April.
  7. For details about the WISDOM RETREAT FOR TEENAGE BOYS & GIRLS at TABOR ASHRAM in MAYkindly see the notice board.
  8. All those who would like to teach faith catechesis at Sunday school, kindly forward your application addressed to the parish priest. Graduates preferred.
  9. Kotak Education Foundation as part of CSR is imparting free, three month training to school drop outs and Non graduates in the area of Customer Relation & sales, Hospitality, General Duty Assistant, Advance Beauty and Multi Skill Technician and for graduates in Banking Financial Services and Insurance. Those interested kindly see the notice board for details.  Kindly spread the word around especially among school drop outs and non graduates.
  10. Joseph Cardijn Technical School, Parel, has organised 2 batches of one month training in Handyman Course for SSC/HSC students offering basics of Welding, Electrical, Car Servicing, Fabrication, Carpentry and Electronics. Those interested kindly see the notice board.
  11. As you are aware Covid cases are increasing with certain deaths also reported. Do not take it lightly. Kindly take necessary precautions especially by wearing masks in public places and maintaining personal hygiene. Holy Communion will be distributed on the palm. Kindly cooperate.
  12. As the temperature in summer is increasing, you are requested to keep a bowl of water for birds on your window sils or outside of your homes. Let us show care for our birds and animals this summer.
  13. We wish you happy holidays and a good time with your families. Come back refreshed and rejuvenated for an exciting another pastoral year.

Collections at Holy Week Services is as follows
Palm Sunday – Rs 38,420/-
Maundy Thursday – Rs 35,540/-
Good Friday – Rs 56,830/-
Easter Vigil/ Easter Sunday – Rs 76, 365/-
Total Rs 2,07,155/- which is for the Archdiocese. Thank you for your generosity.